Our service partners students and graduates with companies around the world to take the hassle out of organising internships. We require a copy of your CV [and LinkedIn details if applicable] as well as your Skype contact to facilitate contact between you and the potential employer. You can start by creating a profile with us that includes your details, CV, work interests etc.
Our service guarantees an interview, from which you will have the opportunity to be selected for an internship. Should you be successful a fee is charged, to cover administrative costs, which is variable dependant on the company and location. However, in the event you’re unsuccessful the full fee will be refunded to you, without any service charge.
Viewing cities, internship listings, and packages is simple. Browse the latest listings, and simply pay your fee for the internship you wish to apply for, and you will be required to provide your Skype, CV and LinkedIn, so that we can organise contact between you and the listed company.